Employee Satisfaction Survey

In the spring of 2024, the Yes We Can Healthcare Group conducted an employee satisfaction survey through the independent research agency Duo Market Research. We believe it’s incredibly important to know what our 500 colleagues, who give 200% every day for our residents, fellows, and their families, think of Yes We Can as an employer. We are pleased to share the results with you on this page.

The Yes We Can Family

First and foremost, we are extremely grateful for the high response rate: no less than 73% of our colleagues participated in the survey. Additionally, we are incredibly pleased with the excellent scores that have emerged from the survey. With an average score of 8.3 for overall satisfaction with working at the Yes We Can Healthcare Group, we couldn’t be prouder.

The engagement with the Yes We Can Healthcare Group, which truly represents what we stand for and work towards every day, scored a 9.1. This means that 95% of respondents indicated that they feel engaged within the team. Furthermore, 91% stated that they are proud to work at Yes We Can. Compared to the benchmark in the Healthcare and Welfare sector, which has a score of 6.5, we’ve achieved a respectable 7.2 thanks to our clear vision. One of our core values is openness, and achieving a score of 7.6, while the benchmark is 7.2, shows that our extra focus is paying off.

Benchmark Health & Care

Moreover, all colleagues work 24/7 towards the same goal: everything for the fellows, residents, families, and loved ones. They are the ones we work for, day in and day out. Seeing this rewarded with a score of 8.0 is something we are incredibly proud of. Because when nothing else works, they still find that place with us where they can work towards a healthy, happy, and independent life.

Not only are we impressed with the survey results, but the research agency also shares our view.

Moniek from Duo Market Research said:“The Yes We Can Healthcare Group has doubled in staff since the employee survey we conducted in 2019. Normally, you would expect lower scores on aspects like engagement, collaboration, and atmosphere among employees. However, this is not the case. Employees clearly put their heart and soul into the care of fellows, residents, and their families in a (growing) organisation where they feel extremely comfortable and are very proud to work.”

The Key Results

Curious about the full report? Click here.

What Needs Improvement?

We are proud to see what’s going well—that’s important to us. But what’s even more important is to identify areas where there’s still room for improvement. Because only with openness, honesty, and the right feedback can we provide even better treatment and support to our fellows, residents, and their families, and also be a better employer to all our colleagues. Because they deserve nothing but the best.

For example, colleagues indicated that they are less satisfied with the workload and the visibility of the Works Council (MR). The low score for the MR doesn’t necessarily have to be negative, as it could indicate that if the MR doesn’t score high and isn’t highly visible, it might be a sign that they aren’t needed as much and that things are going well.

We’ve discussed this feedback internally right away, and it remains a focus point for us. We will do everything we can to ensure that in the future, we can make an even greater difference in the lives of our fellows, residents, their families, and of course, our colleagues. Yes We Can!

Comparison with 2019

Curious about the 2019 results? Click here.