Our unique approach

Why our treatment works

The youth clinic and treatment centre

Yes We Can Youth Clinics believes fellows sometimes need to leave their familiar environment to ensure rest for themselves, for their direct social environment and be able to be fully focused on their treatment in a safe and secure place.

When all else fails, Yes We Can Youth Clinics provides a solution for many teens and young adults, aged 13 to 25, struggling with mental health issues, addictions and behavioural problems. Our approach has proven to be very successful: more than 74% of the fellows no longer need specialised care after having completed 10 weeks of residential treatment and a minimum of 10 weeks aftercare. Our success rate is so high because we not only work together with our fellows, but also with their parents/carers. Successful treatment requires a serious effort from all involved. The collaborative approach at Yes We Can Youth Clinics has proven to be a turning point in the lives of thousands of teens and young adults. Our approach is distinctive in three ways:

Atmosphere: at Yes We Can Youth Clinics, unconditional warmth and safety and confrontation at the right time are pivotal. Many young people at our clinic face problems and many employees have had these as well. This creates a lot of recognition between fellows and employees. The group dynamics create the will and strength for the fellows to really change.

Team: Yes We Can Youth Clinics works with multi-disciplinary teams. English is the common language used in all our programmes, although many colleagues are multi-lingual. Care specialists work together with experts by experience and youth coaches. In total more than 500 healthcare professionals work for and with the fellows, including BIG-registered therapists such as psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counsellors, doctors and healthcare psychologists.
In addition, we work with psychologists, family therapists, experts by experience, youth/educational workers, socio-psychiatric nurses, educationalists, systemic therapists, nurses and youth coaches to support and supervise the treatment process. A personal case manager and therapist will guide you through the process from start to finish.

Programme: we have an intensive 24/7 programme of 10 weeks that teenagers and young adults take part in together with 23 other fellows. Together they learn to recognise and acknowledge their problems, ask for help and speak out. There is also an intensive programme for parents and carers.

Our unique treatment approach

The Yes We Can Youth Clinics method is based on the principle of (positive) group dynamics. Our approach is both individualised and systemic. We use a tightly structured programme for fellows and parents to gain insight into their behaviour and its origins. We have developed new tools based on this approach to help our fellows get their lives back on track.

Our healthcare professionals and experts by experience work based on unconditional acceptance of all those involved. We do not shun confrontation. Problems can be discussed openly and shared with us.

A large number of professionals runs the programme and it includes the following therapies:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Effective therapy for addiction
  • Psycho-education
  • Family coaching & counselling
  • Emotion/aggression regulation
  • Trauma processing
  • A challenging, various sports- and outdoor programme

We have comprehensively outlined our treatment method to provide proper insight into the execution of care delivered by Yes We Can Youth Clinics to benefit young people and their parents/carers. Please click HERE for a full description of our treatment method.

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Suffering teenagers and young adults often have low self-esteem, fear of failure, authority problems, and motivational and communication problems. Their parents consider this behaviour to be very frustrating. Often, they blame themselves or those around them for their child's unacceptable behaviour. The mandatory family counselling and coaching programme addresses these issues and helps the family work towards a safe return home where they know how to support their child's recovery process.

Please take a look at our brochure for additional information.

Dual Diagnosis

In mental healthcare, the phenomenon of dual diagnosis is increasingly recognised as a critical concern. This term refers to individuals, particularly young people, grappling with the dual challenges of a psychiatric disorder alongside a struggle with addiction. The intertwining of substance abuse and mental health disorders creates a complex scenario, as each condition exacerbates the other, significantly complicating the path to recovery.

For many teenagers and young adults, the underlying psychiatric condition may catalyze the initiation into alcohol or drug use. This substance use, in turn, can amplify the symptoms associated with their mental health disorder, creating a vicious cycle that is challenging to interrupt. Individuals facing a dual diagnosis often encounter difficulties across various aspects of their lives, including academic or daily activities, social interactions, familial relationships, and, frequently, financial stability.

Breaking free from this cycle demands a nuanced, compassionate approach that addresses both the addiction and the mental health disorder concurrently, recognising the deep-seated connections between the two.

Treatment of Dual Diagnosis

Many fellows already received some form of professional help for an extended period. To treat dual diagnosis, both addiction and psychiatric disorders must be addressed. The integrated treatment programme must focus on both problem areas at the same time. Almost always, an intensive programme is required.

Treating both problems simultaneously results in a reduction of psychiatric symptoms and puts a definite end to the active problematic behaviour of teens and young adults.

A typical day at Yes We Can Youth Clinics

Short waiting lists

See the current waiting times.

Cooperation with primary healthcare professionals

Yes We Can Youth Clinics maintains excellent professional relationships with healthcare professionals worldwide who have referred fellows and their families to us. This network includes family doctors, youth care professionals and other healthcare institutions. With your and your child's permission,  we will regularly update these professionals so they can follow your child's progress, learn about their experiences, and how they can further support your child's recovery process after treatment at our facility has been completed.

The Yes We Can treatment process: step by step

Let us start by emphasising that if you have any questions, any at all, you can always contact us. We cannot stress enough that we are there for you, whether you sign up for treatment in our clinic or not. You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (GMT +1) via phone number: +31 (0)85 02 01 222. Your call will be forwarded after business hours, on weekdays after 6:00 p.m. and on the weekends. Please note that it might take longer than usual to answer your call. If we cannot answer the call immediately, please leave a message, and we will call you back as soon as possible. You can also fill out our contact form (no obligations).

Register for an intake

You can register for an intake by filling in the intake form. As soon as we received the registration, a Case Manager from Yes We Can Youth Clinics will contact you as soon as possible. 

Check our current waiting times.

Intake interview

Initial contact with one of our Case Managers provides you with more information about our treatment programme and provides us with sufficient insight into your situation to be able to make a joint decision and schedule an itake. This 4-hour assessment with our intake team (counsellor, psychologist and psychiatrist) is necessary before admission can take place. We always request the presence of at least one partner/carer during the intake. For legal and safety reasons, itakes are always done in person, in our headquarters, in Oirschot (the Netherlands).

Read more about the intake interview.

Residential treatment

Yes We Can Youth Clinics is truly a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience. We will be there for you, your child and the rest of your family, right by your side, listening and supporting. Unconditionally. Just as we did for thousands of other 13-25 year olds and their families before you. Our treatment team will do everything it takes to help you and your family make permanent changes. Both you and your child will gain insight into the nature and impact of the unhealthy and destructive behaviour and learn new and healthy behaviour. Your life after treatment will be discussed extensively. How to plan, spend and use your time? What are your goals in life? Which talents do you have? How to react in new ways to difficult situations? During the highly intensive 10 week treatment programme we will search for these and many other answers togehter. 

Read more about the programme.


After completing the 10-week residential programme in the clinic, fellows have to face the most critical phase of the recovery process. They have regained self-confidence, are motivated again, feel more energetic and are ready to make new plans. At the same time, they are insecure because they (and their parents/carers) have changed, but the rest of theirsocial environment has stayed the same. For that reason, it is essential that they receive a great level of support during this period. This is why Yes We Can Youth Clinics offers tailor-made aftercare programmes, suiting the needs of your child and your family. Our advice and the options will be discussed with you and your child during the last weeks of treatment. 

Read more about the aftercare.

Read our booklet

Would you like to know more about Yes We Can Youth Clinics or our treatment method? Are you interested in personal stories from fellows and our staff? Read or download our booklet: "Yes We Can Youth Clinics - When all else fails"

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Register for an intake

Would you like to register for an intake now? Please fill in our intake form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate and call us at +31 (0)85 02 01 222. 

Intake Form